Blood needs a balance of acids and bases in order to function properly. If the acid levels in the body are too much then the body will experience acidosis. If this condition occurs because of a disturbance in the metabolic process which decreases the levels of bicarbonate in the blood, then it is called metabolic acidosis. This situation is often associated with kidney disease.
Symptoms that may be a sign of metabolic acidosis, can vary. But often people with metabolic acidosis will experience shortness of breath accompanied by headaches, feeling weak and tired, becoming confused, breathing quickly, increasing heart rate, vomiting and stomach aches, to reducing appetite, and can even be accompanied by decreased awareness.
Some of the causes of metabolic acidosis include:
Lactic acidosis
The content of lactic acid that is too much in the body is a trigger for lactic acidosis. This increased production of lactic acid levels occurs when the body's cells do not have enough oxygen to use, this can be influenced by excessive alcohol consumption, heart failure, cancer, liver failure, long-term lack of oxygen, low blood sugar, high blood pressure, and excessive exercise that can cause a buildup of lactic acid.
Diabetic ketoacidosis
Usually experienced by diabetics. This condition, known as diabetic ketoacidosis, occurs when insulin levels in the body are at a low threshold, so the body cannot process blood sugar (glucose) properly. In addition, low insulin levels will also cause the formation of ketones, which can make acid levels in the blood increase.
Hyperchloremic acidosis
This happens when you have severe diarrhea which may be caused by improper laxatives. Vomiting and kidney disease can also be the cause. These things make bicarbonate levels low, whereas, bicarbonate has a role in helping neutralize acids in the blood.
Renal tubular acidosis (renal)
Kidney tubular acidosis occurs when the kidneys cannot release acid from the blood through urine. This causes the blood to become acidic. Kidney disease and immune system disorders and genetic disorders that can damage the kidneys, are triggers for kidney tubular acidosis.
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