Lumps in the neck on the right are generally caused by swollen lymph nodes, which can also mean many things. Know the causes of lymph node swelling and any health problems that trigger the appearance of a lump in the right neck.
Lymph nodes are part of the lymph system which is an important part of your immune system. This is why if there are disturbances in the body, then the nearest lymph node will enlarge, for example due to bacterial, viral, fungal infections, or if inflammation occurs.
Swollen lymph nodes are generally caused by ear infections, sinus infections, tonsillitis, oral cavity infections, glandular TB, and bacterial infections of the scalp. Although generally benign and harmless, enlarged lymph nodes can be a sign of an infection or more serious health problems, such as cancer that spreads through the lymph system such as lymphoma, nasopharyngeal cancer, or the spread of cancer cells from primary organs that pass through the lymph flow in the neck. Salivary gland tumors can also cause lumps near the neck.
Causes of Right Lumps on the Neck
In addition to lymph nodes, the amount of tissue, muscles and organs in the neck can cause lumps to appear in this area, including the thyroid gland, parathyroid, laryngeal nerve, and blood vessels. Lumps can not only appear on the right neck but can also appear on the left or on both sides of the neck. Some conditions and health problems that generally underlie the appearance of a lump in the right neck, including:
Infection. Various infections can trigger lumps in the neck but the most frequent are viral and bacterial infections including glandular TB, secondary syphilis, Staphylococcus aureus, and Beta hemolytic streptococcus. Infections originating from the throat, sinus cavities, and ears can also cause lumps in the neck. Viral infections such as Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), measles, HIV, herpes simplex, chickenpox, mumps, or cytomegalovirus can also cause enlarged lymph nodes.
Glandular TB is caused by a TB infection of the skin or lungs that sometimes spreads to lymph nodes. Signs of glandular TB infection are solid lumps in the neck, lumps may feel soft in the beginning but gradually become harder, lose weight, often feel tired, and often have fever or chills. Glandular TB should be suspected in areas where TB infection rates are still high, a history of TB treatment, or in people who are often exposed to TB sufferers.
Mumps, which is an abnormal enlargement of the thyroid gland in the neck. Enlargement of the thyroid gland can be in the middle of the neck, right or left. Mumps accompanied by symptoms such as frequent feeling palpitations, anxiety, can not stand the cold or hot temperatures, mood disorders, and weight loss for no apparent reason is a condition that needs to be seen by a doctor.
Parapharyngeal tumors or parapharyngeal abscesses, symptoms of this condition can not be detected during a physical examination, but tumors can suddenly be about 2 cm in size when a lump in the right neck or other parts are felt. These tumors or abscesses in the space around the throat can cause pain, difficulty eating, talking, or breathing if they are enlarged and block the airway. If there are any of the above symptoms, then you need to immediately see a doctor to get treatment immediately.
Throat cancer (oropharyngeal) which includes the tonsils, the base of the tongue, the area behind the oral cavity and the throat wall. Symptoms can include persistent throat pain, pain or difficulty swallowing, voice changes, pain in the ear, a lump in the throat or neck, and weight loss for no apparent reason. This condition needs to be treated immediately before the cancer spreads to other organs such as the brain or cause airway obstacles that can be life threatening.
Lymphoma, is cancer of the lymphatic system or the body's immune system. There are two types of lymphoma, Hodgkin's lymphoma, and the more common form is non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Malignancies occur in lymphocyte cells in the blood. To determine the exact diagnosis, it is necessary to do a biopsy examination on the lump. Symptoms can be lymph nodes in any part of the body including the neck, weight loss, fever, and frequent cold sweats at night. If any of the above signs are found, see a doctor immediately to get the examination and the right treatment.
Cyst, which is a fluid-filled lump that can disappear on its own without the need for any particular care or treatment. Neck cysts are usually soft and painless.
Inflammation or the growth of scar tissue. This condition often appears in the history of wounds on the skin and people who have families that are prone to keloids.
Autoimmune Disease. For example in rheumatoid arthritis, which is chronic inflammation of the joints, or lupus, which is chronic inflammation that can attack any area of the body. Lupus is an autoimmune condition that is more often suffered by women with the typical signs of rashes on the skin, and a symmetrical face that looks like a butterfly (malar rash), joint or muscle pain, organ disorders and fever. Complaints of lymph node lumps are not always found in this disease, and to diagnose it the doctor needs to do a physical and supportive examination such as complete blood, ANA antibodies, kidney and liver function or other tests if needed.
Chronic fatigue syndrome, which is a disorder that causes the sufferer to become very weak and tired, and treatment is only done to relieve the symptoms. This condition is a condition that is not yet clearly identified the cause but is thought to be influenced by certain viral infections, immune disorders, and hormonal disorders.
Side effects of certain drugs, such as phenytoin.
Lumps in the neck can be a marker of various possible diseases, ranging from harmless diseases to malignancies or infections that can be life threatening if left untreated. To determine the exact cause, doctors need to do a physical examination and trace the history of the disease carefully. Investigations are also often needed to help establish the diagnosis. Examinations that are usually done are complete blood tests, chest and sinus X-rays, ultrasound of the neck, and CT-scan or MRI and biopsy of the lump.
To be able to understand the underlying cause of a lump in the right neck, make a complete record of your symptoms before consulting a doctor. Also include information about your personal or family health history so your doctor can carry out an examination, determine a diagnosis, and take medication that is appropriate to your condition. In lumps caused by cancer or tumors surgery and chemotherapy are common treatments.
Treatment for lumps is adjusted to the underlying cause and accompanying disease. Signs of lumps that need serious attention are when a lump in the neck feels pain, redness, blood in the saliva, coughing up blood, pus, obstructing the airway causing complaints of tightness, difficult or unable to swallow, difficulty speaking, voice changes , high fever, or weight loss for no apparent reason. If there are any symptoms, consult a doctor immediately.
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